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SUED has delivered a number of programme interventions, including development of urban economic plans, investment attraction and capacity building

Lamu's Governor H.E. Issa Timany together with the SUED team oversee the signing of the lease agreement between Equatorial Nut Processors and Lamu County 

Urban Economic Planning

SUED has worked with local institutional authorities at the county and municipal level to design and implement urban economic development plans. 

The urban economic plans integrated market based approaches into the counties integrated plans emphasising the potential of value chain development. With SUED’s support municipalities have learned how to assimilate regional economic corridor development initiatives into County urban economic planning. 


As a result, the plans will support economic corridor planning, agro-clustering, industrial park development, special economic zones and technopole development. The plans have been tailor made for each municipality and are responsive to the needs of the local population.

The programme has completed the development of the UEPs for all municipalities. You can access the UEPs here

Investment Attraction

The programme is providing technical assistance to support municipalities to develop and implement investment promotion strategies that draw in investment including public private partnerships (PPPs).


The investment is aimed at funding commercially bankable climate resilient infrastructure and value chains that will be identified in specific municipal urban economic plans.

The programme has set aside part of its funding to de-risk investments that are commercially robust and strategically targeted to incentivise the public and private sector to partner with supported municipalities to help them achieve their urban economic goals

The programme has attracted inward investments from both Private and Public Sector sources. 

Read more about the investments here 

Image by Christina @

Capacity Building 

With SUED’s support, municipal staff are receiving technical assistance to enhance their capacity for planning, investment, value chain and municipal management.


As a result, they will be able to sustain SUED’s programmatic efforts. This will enable the municipality to better manage their climate resilient infrastructure and promote investment  resulting in efficient and equitable development.

Image by Christina @
Image by Micheile Henderson
Image by Annie Spratt

Cross- Cutting Themes

SUED's work with municipalities is geared towards gender and social inclusivity through enterprise development activities that will enhance employability of marginalised populations.


The programme will additionally ensure that it encourages economic development that is resileint to climate change. 

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