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Milly Fruits Manager Ravi Walks the Governor and the BHC through the site plan for the Pro

Creating Climate Smart Economic Opportunities In Kenya's Intermediary Cities

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Creating Right Conditions for Emerging Urban Centres through Strong Urban Economic Planning


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Working with Municipalities to  Strengthen their Capability to Implement their Mandated Functions 

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Taking Advantage of Urban Economic Planning to Ensure Municipalities are Resilient 

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Launching the First Urban Economic Plans in Kenya

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Working with Municipalities to Attract Investments into Climate Resilient Value Chain Projects

Image by Wimber Cancho

Switching to the New Oil as Value Addition





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Building the Capacity of Municipalities to Deliver Responsive Urban Economic Development

Pic 8-Malindi UEP Development Process Launch-H.E. Amason Kingi- Governor Kilifi and Julius

Deconstructing Urban Economic Planning as a tool for Spurring Economic Growth

Image by Victoria Chen

Broadening the Vision to Diversify the Economy

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Governance, Institutional Framework and Leadership and the Role they Play in Kenyan Municipalities 

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Implementing an Urban Programme within the COVID-19 Context

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Personal Story - Confidence to Enhance Skills

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