SUED is working in twelve municipalities to help them maximise access to economic opportunities through custom made market driven strategies. With the programme’s support the municipalities will encourage investment in infrastructure that will catalyse sustainable job creation and income growth for their populations. SUED will work with the municipalities to ensure investments are climate smart and to mainstream gender and social exclusion
Supported Municipalities
As part of its support to Malindi, SUED is working with the municipality to unlock public and private investment in urban development.
SUED is helping Malindi shift toward stable, productive and sustainable jobs that are climate resilient.
The programme is additionally supporting the municipality to incentivise investment in sustainable urban economic development that supports green growth.
SUED has helped the municipality to develop and launch its urban economic plan. The programme has worked with the municipality to develop responsive investment attraction strategies.
SUED worked with Isiolo to build an enabling environment for sustainable economic development.
The programme advocated for an increase in municipal and county based public-private- partnerships as a driver for economic growth.
With the programme’s support, Isiolo has developed and launched its urban economic plan. The programme worked with the municipality to actualise the plan by strengthening the capacity's investment attraction strategies.
SUED supported Kitui to establish conditions that promote partnerships between public, private, local and international organisations to advance accountable urban economic development approaches.
The programme worked with the municipality to ensure citizen participation in the development of its urban economic plan. As a result, the initiatives developed will improve the municipal’s capacity to become climate resilient.
Kitui has finalised the development of its urban economic plan and worked with the programme to strengthen its investment attraction strategies.
Iten is benefiting from SUED’s expertise on how to design and adapt infrastructure to local conditions.
With the programme’s support, Iten will develop and implement urban projects to help the municipality achieve replicable and sustainable positive economic opportunities.
Working with the municipality SUED will help create opportunities that will increase Iten’s workforce development and promote equitable economic growth.
Iten has completed the development of its urban economic plan and will work with the programme to actualise it.
Working with Kisii municipality, SUED is working with the municipal leadership to integrate value chain development into its urban economic planning.
With SUED help the municipality will utilise a systemic approach to sustainable economic development. In addition, SUED will work with the municipal leadership to innovate solutions that are cognizant of local norms and resources.
Kisii had finalised the development of its urban economic plan and is working with SUED to bring it to fruition.
SUED worked with Kathwana to innovate practices that will improve the quality of its urban economic development strategies.
With SUED’s support, the municipality undertook activities that created a more dynamic business environment climate approach that will attract investment and create jobs.
Furthermore, SUED used varied methods of capacity strengthening of the municipality’s staff to ensure sustainability of the projects supported by the programme.
With the programme's support, Kathwana has completed the development of its urban economic plan.
SUED’s support towards Kerugoya-Kutus is geared towards helping the municipality to take advantage of its natural resources, demographics and economic networks.
With the programme’s support the municipality has strengthened its rural-urban linkages helping Kerugoya-Kutus to prioritize its urban-market development.
By improving the market linkages between the rural areas and urban areas in the municipality, SUED aim is to expand the market access increasing production and jobs.
Eldoret is benefiting from SUED’s support towards attainment of its urban economic goals.
SUED is working with the municipality to build its governance and management systems into effective ones that are responsive to the needs of its population.
With the programme’s support, Eldoret is strengthening its public-private partnership resulting in value chain investments.
By working with SUED, it is hoped that Eldoret will drive sustainable regional growth that results in an increase in livelihoods.
With SUED’s support, Lamu is optimizing its urban economic opportunities to ensure that they are flexible, adaptive and demand-led.
The programme has worked with the municipal and county leadership to develop investment promotion strategies that resonate with the municipality's offerings. In addition, SUED is promoting public-private dialogue focused on developing opportunities that improve livelihoods in the municipality.
Lamu is benefitting from diversification in its economic activities helping to interconnect the municipality with other economic corridors.
SUED worked with Mandera to promote value chain actors in high potential industries in order to boost value addition.
With SUED’s support the municipality has worked within the context of devolution to develop the urban economic plan that resonate with the residents of Mandera.
Wote was added into SUED's supported municipalities after the programme had its funding increased in July 2019.
The programme is working closely with Wote to help diversify its economic activities as well as ensure that infrastructure development is climate resilient.
With SUED's technical assistance the county and municipal leadership is addressing regulatory and policy barriers that prevent private investment in sustainable infrastructure and value chain in Wote.
SUED is working closely with Wote's leadership to contextualise urban economic development that maximises access to economic opportunities for those that are structurally marginalised from urban economies.
Bungoma was added into SUED's supported municipalities after the programme had its funding increased in July 2019.
The programme worked closely with the municipality to strengthen its capability to manage urban economic development.
Working with the county and municipal leadership, SUED helped the municipality to take advantage of its location to attract investors in an effort to drive sustainable economic growth.
Bungoma benefited from SUED's technical expertise to build on its existing work to unlock private and public investment in urban development.