SUED'S Implementing Agencies
Managing Agent: Tetra Tech International Development, one of the world’s largest development consulting firms, is responsible for managing the overall programme, working with the British High Commission Kenya to ensure it delivers on its objectives and creates impact. Tetra Tech provides technical oversight and coordinates the activities of a number of specialist subcontractors, across the programme.

Urban Economic Planning Firm: Atkins is SUED’s partner working with key stakeholders and local authorities to develop well crafted urban economic plans that will turn each municipality into a future green growth hub. Atkins brings to SUED leading expertise in urban economic planning, management and infrastructure development. Atkins has so far completed the development of the Urban Economic Plans (UEPs) for all supported municipalities. Learn more about Atkins work here

Investment Attraction Firm: Open Capital Advisors (OCA), KPMG, and Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) are SUED’s subcontractors leading its support towards investment attraction for the municipalities. The firms are working closely with municipalities to help them develop and implement investment promotion strategies that will help them to draw in investments. These investments include bankable climate-resilient infrastructure and value chain projects that were identified in municipal urban economic plans. The firms have utilised their deep networks and knowledge of African markets to aggressively seek out investors for value-chain and infrastructure projects. Learn more about KPMG here ,OCA here and KCIC here

Capacity building: SUED has on its roster more than 50 firms and close to 70 individuals who will support priorities identified in the UEPs to enable municipalities to enhance their capacity to better manage their climate resilient infrastructure and promote investment in the municipality helping them to deliver efficient and equitable development.
The programme works with the municipalities to support them to strengthen their institutions and put in place supportive legislative frameworks that draw in investors. The programme has provided technical assistance in financial management and revenue enhancement as well as urban governance and leadership best practices to supported municipalities. The programme has also supported Kisii to develop their Municipal Fund Bill, 8 by-laws and a Municipal Board Charter.